sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

Resumen en ingles de Wuthering Heights

Bueno haré corta esta explicación; no sé practicamente nada de inglés y en mi colegio nos hacen leer unos mini cuentos en esta asignatura, entenderán todo lo que sufro leyendolos =( , en fin como falte a la prueba sabía que me harían escribir un resumen del libro para la prueba atrasada, así que aqui va con mucho esfuerzo, por si a alguna persona le pasa lo mismo y necesita desesperadamente un resumen en ingles:

Wuthering Heights is the story of 2 families, the Earmshaw who inhabited Wuthering Heights and the Lintons who lived at Thrushcross Grange. The two houses were four miles away one from the other but, while Thrushcross Grange was in a place save of the inclemencies of the weather, Wuthering Heights was located on the top of a hill and challenged the wind, and that´s the reason of its name.

The family Earmshaw was formed by Mr. Earmshaw his son Hindley and his daughter Catherine. The family Linton was constituted by Mr. and Mrs. Linton, their son Edgar and their daughter Isabella .

When Hindley and Catherine were children their father brought back home a dirty gipsy child who became Mr. Earmshaw´s favourite son. This child was name Heathchiff.

Catherine and Heatcliff became great friends but Hindley was jealous and hated him. Few years later Hindley went away to study and came home only for his father´s burial bringing with him his wife Frances who was pregnant. Hindley became the master of the house and he treated everybody badly excepting his wife, and whem she died, after having a baby called Hareton, he did not take care of his son.

One evering Heathcliff and Catherine went to Linton´s house to see if Isabella and Edgar were punished all the time as they were.
Catherine had become friend of edgar who had fallen in love with her.
Heathcliff decided to go away in order to be a gentleman worth of Catherine but, when he came back, Catherine an Edgar had warried.

Heathcliff determined to take revenge and ran away with Isabella (who had fallen in love with him) and them he took Possession of Hindley´s properties, he lived with Isabella at Wuthering Heights until she escaped near london to have her baby linton far from her husband.

As for Edgar and Catherine they had a baby called Cathy. Before her birth her mother and Heathcliff were together for the lats time and she recogniged thas she had always loved him and had committed an error marrying Edgar the she died.
Six months after Catherine death, her brother Hindley died.

Thirtteen years later Edgar travelled to visit his sister Isabella who was dying. After 3 weeks Isabella died and Edgar returned home whit his nephew Linton, who was a pale, thin boy next day Linton has to go to Wuthering Heights because Heathcliff ordered him to do so.

Cathy was 13 years old whem she knew she had 2 cousins: Hareton and linton forced by Heathcliff´s tricks. five days after her marriage her father died and few weeks later Cathy became a widow. (enviuda)

at the end the wicked Heatcliff died leaving Cathy and Hareton together at the same house. Finally the 2 young cousins fall in love and planned to marry.

al final saque varias partes importantes: Heatcliff obliga a su hijo (Linton) a casarse con Cathy, Cathy se casa con Linton por "pena" y porque Heatcliff la encierra en su casa.
El padre de Cathy está muy enfermo y muere.



3 comentarios:

Pe lyon. dijo...

yo creo que deberías pedirle a shin chan que te enseñe el buggi de las pompas

konst dijo...

podrias aver me dcho ami.. = el resumen ta weno ;)

Anónimo dijo...

Muy buen resumen, yo que lei la historia me re sirvio para recordarla. Pero habia muchas palabras mal escritas :/